labor TENS
siblings sister brother baby teal
Purple baby feet
mother father pregnant hands on belly
massage baby purple
baby feet teal

Birth Doula Services

“I do not care what kind of birth you have… a home birth, a scheduled cesarean, epidural hospital birth, or if you birth alone in the woods next to a baby deer. I care that you had options, that you were supported in your choices, and that you were respected.” – January Harshe, Birth Without Fear

Yay, how exciting! You are about to take your first steps into preparing for a calm, cool and confident birth. I’m delighted at the opportunity to work with you and your family during this wonderful time. Whether you’re barely 8 weeks or due next month, debating a birth center, home, or hospital birth, you’re here for a reason. If you’d like to meet and learn more about what it’s like working with me, click the button below.

pregnant mother father
Newborn skin to skin
neborn swaddled

Birth Doula Package


  • A complimentary consultation either in person or via video chat to discuss all the ways in which I can support you during your pregnancy and birthing journey. This is a good time to ask all sorts of questions and determine if I’m the perfect fit for you & your family’s needs. 
  • Free Birth Preparation Package which includes two in-depth educational meetings (look below for more detail.)
  • Access to the lending library & a copy of Lavender & Mint’s exclusive client only binder filled with tons of amazing literature & resources!
  • Unlimited text & call support for the duration of your pregnancy and up to six weeks postpartum
  • 24 hour on-call service beginning at 38 weeks
  • Continuous emotional & physical support during your entire labor & delivery by a NYS Licensed Massage Therapist
  • Up to 2 hours support in the immediate postpartum
  • A postpartum visit one week post birth to discuss your experience & any further needs you may have
  • Supplementary birth supplies include: TENS machine, Rebozo, & multiple sized peanut balls. I will also arrive at your birth equipped with my overflowing bag. I won’t always use the things I bring, but I have them… just in case.

Additionally, if you feel you may be in need of a little more hands-on support and guidance, supplementary birth preparation sessions are available for $150 each.

I believe that everyone deserves a doula, despite finical situations. If you are interested in an income-based sliding scale fee or would like to set up a payment plan, just ask 🖤

Birth Preparation Package


Personalized childbirth education support. 

Each session is tailored to your wants and needs heading into your birth. Our first session is where we’ll dive into your pregnancy and what you’re planning, then based on that, I customize your next session so you truly feel confident heading into your labor and birth.

These are in-depth educational meetings where we will cover:

  • Guidance building a unique birth plan that is best suited for you & your family
  • Step by step education on the many options available during labor
  • Review of the phases & stages of birth plus what to expect in each
  • Physiological birth process
  • Practicing comfort measures & birthing positions
  • Pain relief options & their benefits / risks (drug-free & medical)
  • Common hospital policies and procedures
  • Coping techniques
  • Newborn care information & preparation
  • Postpartum preparation suggestions
Also included is:
  • A complimentary consultation either in person or via video chat to discuss your current pregnancy and goals for your upcoming birth so I can customize your sessions accordingly.
  • You will also have access to the lending library & a copy of Lavender & Mint’s exclusive client only binder filled with tons of amazing literature & resources!
Additionally, if you feel you may be in need of a little more educational support and guidance, supplementary birth preparation sessions are available for $150 each.

Essential Oil Birth Consulting


Essential oils can be a powerful tool to help you through labor.  This is an excellent add-on to my birth doula service.

  • Learn everything you need to know to feel confident using aromatherapy during labor. Education by a certified essential oils birth consultant on the top essential oils to use during birth, when to use them, how to use them and the ones to avoid. 
  • Demonstrations and allergy testing of the oils you may want to use during birth
  • Free use of my essential oils while you are in labor and birth. My oils are all fresh, Young Living® oils

Ready to schedule your free consultation?

Jodi Guererri LMT



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