labor TENS
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Purple baby feet
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massage baby purple
baby feet teal

Jodi's Journey into the birth world

Momma, you’ve got so much to offer this world...

About me, headshotDo you see that quote above? Well, it is something I wholeheartedly believe in. The birth of my daughter has done more than just take me from woman to mother, it has changed the entire path of my life. It single-handedly showed me what I have to offer this world and how I can make a difference. Sharing what I know and love with new (or growing) families is what I live for. 

When I became pregnant, the thought of giving birth and becoming a mother terrified me. It was so unknown, and I felt so unprepared. The only way to plan for something I had never done before, was to research the daylights out of it. I put hours upon hours of research into strollers, car seats, cribs, nurseries ideas, the whole lot. My baby registry was perfected and all the things were purchased. But my biggest fear of all still loomed over me. Birth. How was I going to do it? Could I even do it? What about all those horror stories I heard? And the pain?!? These questions swirled around my head like a birthnado.

Somehow, during all that research I was doing, I came across this blog post. It was written by a dad urging people to hire a Doula. At the time, I had never heard of a Doula, but they sounded pretty amazing. I looked into it further and quickly realized I wanted to hire one. & I’m so thankful I did!

She was the calm to that storm raging in my head.

Having her to ask all of my thousand questions, with evidence-based research behind each answer, was one of the most reassuring things I could have asked for. She helped me determine what was most important to me about how my daughter would be brought into the world, and what Delaney’s first experience on this earth would be like. Having her at my birth was nothing short of incredible. She brought knowledge of how to embrace my labor and guided me through a very long, intense experience. With her by my side, my health care providers felt comfortable allowing me to labor with an OP baby and deliver vaginally. Something I don’t believe they would have done if she was not present. I was thankful to have had the encouragement from her that I could do it… that I WAS doing it.

I knew from that moment on I wanted nothing more than to bring that kind of comfort to others. To be with them, to remind them of how strong and amazing they are as they go through one of the most challenging yet beautiful journeys our bodies can endure. To help educate others with the years of research I have done and the copious amounts of information I have gathered. To be there to bring peace when it’s most needed. I want all mothers to know that birth doesn’t have to be treated as if it’s an illness but rather a completely natural process that we are made to do.

So, over the past 6 years,

I have devoted myself to learning about all things bellies and babies. A total birth enthusiast. I did my training with the amazing bebo mia and also decided to attend the Finger Lakes School of Massage to become a New York State LMT. Massage has given me an in depth understanding of how the human body works and expanded my knowledge in physiological birth. I love fusing the benefits of massage with the practices of Spinning Babies® and have plans to become a Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner in the very near future, so keep an eye out! In addition to all of that, I am an Essential Oils Birth Consultant through Brilliant Birth Academy and I’m just absolutely giddy to start sharing my new expertise with my clients.  

I am constantly looking for new ways to further my education and knowledge in the birth world, so I can bring the absolute best care and comfort to new families. I know in my heart that this is what I am here to do, and I am beyond excited to see where my journey continues to take me.

xoxo Jodi Lynn

Ready to schedule your free consultation?

Jodi Guererri LMT



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